Ken W. Zitz & Associates, LLC
Ken W. Zitz & Associates, LLC

About Us

Ken Zitz is a retired United States Marine Corps officer who served 26 years on active duty and commanded Marines and sailors in every rank he held from lieutenant to lieutenant colonel.  He served as a tank platoon and tank company commander in Viet Nam and in duty stations in the USA and overseas.  His undergraduate degree is from Kent State University and he has a Masters degree in Chinese from Georgetown University.  He served as a Chinese instructor at the United States Naval Acacdemy and taught also for the University of Maryland and Hawaii Pacific University.


In the private sector he was a Design Coordinator for Jack Nicklaus at his championship golf course in Komono, Japan and also completed numerous golf course design  renovation projects in the USA and Japan.  John LaFoy, American Society of Golf Course Architects  is an assoicate and colleague for our  golf course design and construction projects.


Ken was the Training Area Manager for the US Army training lands in Hawaii and also designed all of the live fire ranges for the Afghanistan National Army in Afghanistan.


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